Suikoden 2 - Flik


Star: Tenan Star
Affiliation: Alliance Army, Viktor's Muse Mercenary, Toran Liberation Army (former member)
Monicker: Blue Lightning Flik
Weapon Type: Sword
Occupation: Mercenary

Richmond's Investigations:
Name: Flik
Age: 27
From: Warrior's Village, Toran Republic
Position: Archer Captain
Notes: Original member of the Toran Liberation Army

Secret #1
"Flik's from Warrior's Village. Their custom is that a young man has to go on a journey to complete his 'Manhood Ritual'. Flik is in the middle of that journey, but he doesn't plan to returning to the village."

Secret #2
"While he was on his journey to manhood, he met Odessa and she changed his life forever. Odessa became first leader of the Toran Liberation Army with him as her first lieutenant."

Secret #3
"Flik and Odessa were lovers, but she was assassinated early on in the war. I can tell from the look on his face that he still sometimes thinks about her."

Cook-off Introduction:
"Sir Flik is a man with good common sense. We can expect fair judging from him."

Character Deployment Quotes:
1) Deploy
"Leave it to me!"

2) Remove
"Very well. Farewell."

Ending Storylines:
Instead of going back to Warriors' Village, sets off on a journey with Viktor.

"Too bad, but it looks like your path to success just took a detour."

"Gimme a break. He can't fool anyone with that dog and pony show."

"...If you can even just wound me, I'll count you as a warrior."

"In combat, caution is the best weapon."

"I guess you're right... We can't keep running to the edge of the world."

"Prepare myself...? You're the one who needs to be prepared! Are you really ready to lose your head over this?!"

"Hey, you. You want to see, close-up, if this blade really is dull?... I'd be happy to demonstrate its sharpness on your neck."

"Hmph. Have you no backbone?!"

"Why do you hurry into death?! Surely living is better!"

"Hey, don't get all mushy on me!"

"Time... it changes people's hearts. It'll change yours too. You'll understand someday."

"By my sword, we will win! I swear it!!!"

"None of your business, brat."

"Hmph... Mr. Talkative, huh..."

"...Odessa wasn't just my lover... To me... She was the only person I ever really looked up to... She taught me... a whole new way of thinking, a whole new way of looking at life. She's the reason I became the man I am today. So it's not that I can't forget her... I don't want to forget her."

"I was thinking about how stupid I was... not to appreciate what I had. I was just a young fool..."

Unite Attacks:
1) Cross Attack
1.5x damage to one enemy. 30% chance of Knockdown.
  • Flik
  • Viktor

2) Groupie Attack
2.5x damage to one enemy. Nina Unbalanced. 20% chance of Nina Toasty.
  • Flik
  • Nina

3) Fancy Lad Attack
1.5x damage to one enemy. 25% chance of Instant Death.
  • Flik
  • Miklotov
  • Camus

Note: Raises damage to 2.0x and raises chance of Instant Death to 40% if Invincible Smile is equipped.

Weapon Names:
Lv. 1 - Odessa
Lv. 5 - Odessa+
Lv. 11 - Odessa++

Weapon Stats:
Lv. 15
Lv. 27
Lv. 39
Lv. 412
Lv. 515
Lv. 627
Lv. 735
Lv. 842
Lv. 950
Lv. 1059
Lv. 1167
Lv. 1290
Lv. 13102
Lv. 14120
Lv. 15138
Lv. 16150

Battle Skills:
1) Cavalry
Move in a 3-grid area.

Battle Unit:
Archers and Cavalry

Battle Quotes:
1) Wounded
"I wasn't supposed to die here!!!"

2) Death
"Urgh... Odessa, I'm coming..."

Battlefield Stats:
