Suikoden 2 - Shu


Star: Tenki Star
Affiliation: Alliance Army
Occupation: Trader
Skills: Strategist
Favorite Food: Chinese food

Richmond's Investigations:
Name: Shu
Age: 26
From: Unknown
Position: Army strategist
Note: None

Secret #1
"With Shu's 'Critical' ability, a successful hit in war sometimes causes double damage to the enemy unit."

Secret #2
"Shu studied military tactics under Mathiu, but he was expelled for using his knowledge for selfish gain. He never saw Mathiu again after that day."

Secret #3
"He thinks of Apple like a little sister. But he's such a cool customer, he never lets his true feelings show."

Cook-off Introduction:
"The bright young strategist of Alliance Army is a man who appreciates good Chinese food! It's Lord Shu!!!"

Ending Storylines:
1) Dreams of a quiet life even as he continues to play a vital role in Alliance Army.

"Luca Blight is a blight on this land."

"I'm a trader now. I use my knowledge to predict shifts in the world's economy. It's the greatest way to get rich. Rulers change, borders change, countries change, but money is a constant. In fact, nothing better for business than a good war."

"And if your strategy had been successful, it would also have meant the loss of life. Can you really bear that burden?"

"Leave it to me. I'm worth more than 100,000 soldiers and I'm on your side now."

"Listen up. Follow my orders and do as I say and we can defeat the Highland Army. Don't believe in me and you're the loser. If you want to win, don't question me again. If you can't do that, I'll consider you an obstacle that needs to be removed."

"I'm a military genius, but I'm no good at leading people... inspiring them."

"Lord Riou, with all the power I have learned at the feet of my master, I promise to help bring you victory."

"Unlike you, I don't think I'm some sort of god where I can use people like pawns!"

"I had to throw away 'the book.' You read it too many times..."

"But I want you to think of that pain as the pain of the people who believed in you."

"You have two choices. One is to stay the course. This is the easy road, but it is the path to defeat. The other is to fight for victory for all. This is a thorny path, but it is the path of Kings."

"Now you'll see why I was Mathiu's favorite student!"

"This is a gamble. And since we are risking everything, it's a big gamble. But if we don't risk our lives, we can't win this war."

"Human wisdom has its limits."

"Sometimes, even a futile gesture can be worth something."

"Go out there and see the world, feel the world. It's still a big world to you."

Battle Skills:
1) Critical
Chance of doing 2x damage.

2) Evade
Chance of evading damage.

Battle Quotes:
1) Wounded

2) Death
"It shouldn't end like this..."

3) Critical
"Victory is in sight! Everyone advance!!!"

4) Evade
"Now you'll see why I was Mathiu's favorite student!"

Battlefield Stats:
